

Cube is a real-time FP&A platform that empowers strategic finance professionals to go from numbers to narrative in record time.

Open roles at Cube : 2

Senior Back End Engineer

Remote (US or Canada)


$150,000 - $170,000


Customer Success Manager

Remote (US and Canada)


$98,000 - $115,000



Cube is a real-time FP&A (financial planning and analysis) platform that empowers strategic finance professionals to go from numbers to narrative in record time. Cube automates the time-consuming, manual FP&A processes such as data collection, transformation, and modeling to provide the instant insights needed to guide the business forward with agility and confidence. Built by Finance for Finance, Cube combines the power of enterprise cloud software with the flexibility of a spreadsheet, enabling individuals and teams to get started in just days, not months.


Our flexibility is an asset. It means we’re always learning, staying receptive to feedback, and making changes quickly. We learn from our customers just like they learn from us.

- You take action and make decisions based on your best judgement, data, and consulting with your teammates to best serve your customers.
- You incorporate ways to “learn fast” into your work, ensuring that mistakes can be caught, corrected, and learned from.
- You stay receptive to ideas and feedback, making sure you’re always learning and growing.
- You proactively and genuinely, seek critique, and reflect on your mistakes, using this knowledge to continuously improve and iterate.
- You understand that documenting our work and processes means that everyone benefits from the transparency and resources and that the work can be reviewed and iterated on.

What to look out for
- There's a potential this value can lead us to diffuse the focus of what we do and jump around to things too fast. We'll have to thoughtfully pick things we want to be strong in!
- We'll need to be aware of over-valuing loud customer feedback as opposed to voluminous feedback.

Simplicity isn’t easy. We’re thoughtful and make decisions that favor quality over quantity. Focus is our focus. To quote Einstein, “If you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough." Simplicity is also synonymous with clarity in our context—there are many things we could focus on, but prioritizing and communicating clearly will make a huge impact on us.

- You proactively look for ways to prioritize and simplify your work to give you more bandwidth to better serve your customers.
- Simplicity isn’t easy to achieve--it’s based on the principle that quality matters over quantity. You are responsible for figuring out what high quality looks like, and staying open to improving your work.
- Keeping things simple lends itself to creating and maintaining alignment on our goals, projects, and the problems we’re trying to solve as a team.

What to look out for
- There’s an end point to simplicity; we can't refactor forever. Simple becomes "Simple enough"—we'll have to pay attention to where those milestones happen.
- Another potential downside is focusing on simple solutions vs solutions that actually solve the problem. They may be a bit more complex, but it is what is truly needed. We'll need to align on what success looks like, what problems we're solving, when planning.

Our product elevates people in unsung roles--as a company, we want to create joyful experiences for our customers, teammates, candidates, and community, by creating connections and taking time to celebrate the impact we make.

We find opportunities to create joy on our team, in our product, and within our community by:
- Making people feel like their best selves (our team, our customers)
- Taking time to truly understand our customers needs, prioritizing excellent experience whenever possible.
- Serving and learning from each other.
- Being welcoming and taking time to build connections.
- We build intentionality into everything we do--we include ways to bring joy to our interactions with each other and our customers.
- Finding the fun / spark / joy / excitement in everyday experiences

What to look out for
- Our joyful doesn't mean we're happy-happy-joy-joy all the time—it doesn't encourage toxic positivity. What it means to do is focus on the impact of our work together—what it does for ourselves and our customers.

We’re a company of humans building products for humans. The way we operate, communicate, and collaborate is thoughtful and empathetic.

- You are empathetic to the various perspectives, lived experiences, and needs of your teammates and customers.
- You continuously balance respect and honesty; the two always need to come together to avoid miscommunication.
- You do your work “out in the open''. Transparency invites criticism, but you understand that feedback is a gift and ensures we are staying flexible and open to improvement.
- You act with integrity while keeping in mind the impact of your words and actions. You understand that kindness doesn’t equal niceness.

What to look out for
As a company, our Human value means we need to be very in-tune with creating and maintaining an inclusive environment for our teammates. The Human value also sets us up to give/receive feedback regularly, so we stay in touch with what can be better and what's going well.
There is no downside to this value!!


Diversity means the various forms of representation across lived experiences of a community of people. Diversity is important because it focuses on representation--the idea that it's important for folks of similar lived experiences to see that represented in the employees of our company. In full transparency, Cube does not have much representation across race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disabilities. To increase representation at our company, we are focused on sourcing folks from various backgrounds at the start of each hiring process. We are also looking for ways to partner with communities targeting underrepresented groups of people.

Equity means that the same support and solutions aren't enough or valuable to every single person. With different lived experiences, constant injustice, prejudice, bias (unconscious or otherwise), there have to be different strategies for engaging, supporting, and helping folks be successful when taking into account these factors. Equity is important because it seeks to provide support that is specific to someone's needs vs assuming a blanket solution will benefit everyone the same way.

At Cube we aren't doing much in the way of equity at the moment. When we have conversations with managers about folks on their team who identify as part of underrepresented groups, we approach these conversations in a different way that we would when speaking about folks with more privilege. That usually looks like: have you considered what their experience may have been on our team? What about their experience at other companies before us? How has that impacted them? How can we support them so that they can thrive here?

Inclusivity means that create space for everyone in the company and the conditions for them to be successful. Inclusion is important because it ensures that every person on the team is heard, can freely and comfortably share ideas, can make mistakes and have the opportunities to learn from them, expectations are made clear and aren't moving targets. We practice inclusion at Cube by bringing in everyone into conversations as much as possible--for example, we recently did a company-wide brainstorm session about our values and got input on how to make them valuable and aligned with what we're trying to accomplish.

We're also trying to make expectations clear for each of our roles, so far we've done this on the Engineering Team, where folks have access to a skills matrix to understand what's expected of them today, and what they need to do to grow into another role. We're also working on more specific guidelines about how we work remotely and communicate asynchronously--this is crucial for inclusion and impacts how folks can/can't make progress on their work, feel like they're making an impact, etc. We will also be incorporating an engagement survey so we can keep track of how we're doing on the inclusion side of things (among other topics).


Continue questions and challenging assumptions and biases that come up. We'll have to constantly assess and never assume this company is safe for everyone. The other thing we like to encourage is feedback and for people to speak their mind as much as possible. We incorporate this into any presentation we do and ask people directly: what are your concerns if we decide to go forward with this decision? What should we talk about? By doing this early and often, people gain trust and confidence that their perspective is valued.

We try to truly create a space where people can speak 1:1 without any pressure, knowing that we will always ask their permission before sharing something they've shared with us. We also go into those conversations (and relationships) understanding that we don't deserve their trust--HR has historically been supporters of a company, not the people. We can tell folks that we believe and value the opposite if that (we support the people not the company), but our actions will always speak louder than words.


Our Leadership Team created and continues to champion our First Fridays benefit. They understand how closely it's tied to lowering the chances of burn out. Jason, our Head of Engineering, is really processed focused and understands how important it is to provide context, guidelines, and expectations to his team so they can work autonomously. Christina, our CEO, really listens and wants to understand a problem before jumping to conclusions. These are all examples of how the leadership team acts/communicates and is a big part of our culture.

One of the things that has been frustrating for us is that hiring managers don't want to "take a chance on" candidates who are seen as "job hopper. We dislike this term and we also dislike that there is so much stigma around moving around without understand why people might do it. When we see this on a resume, we're focused on the companies this person was at and the kind of environment this person had to put up with. People usually leave because of their manager, who has a big impact on the team's/company's culture.

We would like to be a place where folks can thrive for several years--We'd never assume someone would want to stay longer, but they are welcome! We plan on doing this by educating our leadership team and getting buy in at their level and helping them understand the tremendous responsibility they have and continue to hold them accountable as we move forward. The other thing that's important is providing plenty of development and education for folks who do decide to join our company. L&D are crucial to any company, but especially to companies who move quickly and change a lot. We have to help folks understand how to thrive in this environment.

Folks tend to leave companies because of the experience with their manager or other people on the leadership team. This is why Cube is focused on creating training, guidelines, and setting expectations for our managers.


1. Chat with your future manager!
2. Assignment / prompt + we'll review it with you when you've finished it
3. Panel Interview with 2-3 more teammates
4. Meet our CEO, Christina Ross
5. Reference checks
6. Offer


Flexible paid time off

Flexible paid sick/mental health days, 50% premiums covered by Cube for you and any dependents you're adding to your health, dental, vision plans.

We also celebrate First Fridays, making sure to have regular breaks for the entire company throughout the year.

401k plan

New laptop and other gear they need to work successfully from home (or somewhere else!).

© 2020 Black Tech Pipeline, LLC. All rights reserved | Graphics by Niesha White

Built with passion by Pariss Athena and Nick DeJesus